This is the May 1988 newsletter. A very important newsletter because it includes:
- Handwritten account of the beginnings of the club (in 1967)
- First meeting was held Nov 15, 1967 at TRW Building S.
- First club run was “Last Chance Canyon” on Dec 9th, 1967
- Mention that club was officially formed on Jan 17th, 1968, at TRW.
- Copies of the 2 original 1967 flyers announcing the formation of the club & seeking members.
- TWO trip reports! One of which includes an eyewitness account of a rollover! (Little Rock & Dumont Dunes)
- Verification that the club was meeting at the North Redondo Library in 1988. The Roughwheelers met there monthly until that library was torn down in approx 2010. That is when we started meeting at the other end of the same block at the RRGC clubhouse. The library was replaced with a new building which does not offer large meeting rooms.
- Meeting minutes include such important things as: “Watch the guy behind you!” and “Trip reports should be signed”!
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