1. The name of this organization shall be Roughwheelers IV Wheel Drive Club'.
2. The club shall operate as a non-profit organization and does not contemplate gain or profit to the members thereof.
1. To foster and promote to its members and the general public the proper use of four wheel drive recreational vehicles.
2. To provide recreational and social activities for its members.
3. To render emergency assistance to individuals and groups on such occasions and in such manner as its members determine.
4. To actively engage in organized efforts to keep public lands open for use by 4 WD sport vehicles.
1. Membership is open to anyone owning a 4WD recreational vehicle.
2. Membership shall be by request of the prospective member prior to election.
3. Election to membership will be held at the first regular meeting following the applicants attending either: 1) five regularly scheduled club trips or 2) three regularly scheduled club trips and three regularly scheduled club events or meetings within a 12 month period. A three-quarters majority vote of members present shall constitute acceptance.
4. Any member owing more than three months dues will not receive the newsletter. Any member owing more than six months dues may be removed from membership, 30 days after written notice, unless all delinquent dues are paid prior to said date.
5. Prior members who have been away from the club for Twelve (12) consecutive months or longer may be reinstated by paying prorated dues from the month that the reinstatement takes effect and being accepted by three quarters (3/4) vote of members present at a club meeting.
6. Membership in the California Association of Four Wheel Drive Clubs (CA4WDC) is mandatory for members.
7. A member is defined as a vehicle owner and their immediate family. Families with multiple vehicles are still considered as one membership. For voting purposes, a significant other, girlfriend, or boyfriend of a 4wd vehicle owning member is considered immediate family. Each adult person shall be entitled to vote on any club issue.
1. Election of officers shall be held in December. The newly elected officers shall assume office at the January Board meeting, if held, or at the next regularly scheduled general meeting, whichever occurs first.
2. Elections shall be decided by simple majority vote of members present at the December meeting.
3. Nominations of officers will be held at the November meeting.
4. In the event of an office becoming vacant, elections will be held at the next general meeting.
5. Club officers shall consist of: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Wagon Master.
6. Executive Committee (board) shall consist of: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Wagon Master, Editor and Sergeant at Arms.
7. Duties and responsibilities of club officers shall be as listed below. Additional duties and responsibilities may be added as situations warrant and as listed in the Standard Operating Procedure.
A. President
1. Preside at all meetings.
2. Director of Executive Committee (Board)
3. Appoint all appointed offices
4.Appoint all Committee Chairperson. |
B. Vice President
1. Assume all duties of President in the absence of the President.
2. Program Chairperson.
3. Publicity Chairperson.
4. Assume all duties of any office vacated, until a new officer is elected.
C. Secretary
(1) Maintain adequate records of the minutes of each regular meeting, Executive Committee and special meetings.
(2) Act as official host and maintain the guest log at all meetings.
(3) Maintain the file of all club documents, letters, newsletters, current Membership roster and all reports not related to the Treasurer, with copies sent to the Editor.
D. Treasurer
(1) Shall keep and maintain adequate and correct accounts of the property and business transactions of the club.
(2) Present to membership and publish in the newsletter a quarterly and year-end financial statements. |
E. Wagon Master
(1) Lead all club runs.
(2) Direct all activities and emergencies during a run.
(3) Wagon master may delegate duties of the Wagon Master as necessary.
(4) Prepare a trip plan and assure distribution to all members.
8. Executive Committee (Board)
A. Duties:
(1) To do preliminary studies and discussions of all business and report results and recommendations at the next general meeting.
(2) To maintain the S.O.P.s. |
B. Executive Committee meetings are open to the general membership.
9. Appointed officers
A. Appointed officers are appointed by the President and shall include Editor, CA4WD delegate, Safety Chairman, Master at Arms and El Mirage Liasion.
B. Master at Arms
(1) Conduct all club raffles.
(2) Keeps records and receipts of Raffle prizes purchased and funds collected.
(3) Collect fines during meeting.
(4) Tell one joke at all club campfires or delegate the duty if unable to attend. |
1. Meetings shall be held on the second Friday of each month, unless rescheduled at least one month prior to proposed rescheduled meeting and voted on by simple majority of members present.
2. Robert's Rules of Order shall be the governing parliamentary law.
3. The Executive Committee shall meet as required.
4. A simple majority of the members in good standing shall constitute a quorum. A quorum must be present before voting on issues regarding these By-Laws or expenditures greater than $25.00 except as specified herein.
1. Roughwheelers club dues shall be decided at the January general meeting.
2. Membership dues shall include Roughwheelers club dues and CA4WDC dues, as applicable.
3. All dues shall be paid to the Roughwheelers Treasurer in January.
4. CA4WDC Life members must provide proof of status in lieu of CA4WDC dues.
5. CA4WDC dues are paid by the club on the members' behalf from the CAL4WD dues collected.
6. New member dues shall be prorated from the month that the membership takes effect.
7. A surcharge may be levied for a specific purpose for a specified period of time by a three quarters vote of the membership present at a general meeting.
8. Newsletter subscription price shall be reviewed and decided at the January general meeting. A newsletter subscriber has no voting priviledges.
Standard Operating Procedures
1. The Standard Operating Procedure manual is intended to supplement the By laws and is to be used as a guide by the officers and members of the club to assist in maintaining continuity through successive administrations and provides direction for the routine operation of the club and its functions. The manual is revision controlled and may only be changed in accordance with the rules set forth in Article IX herein.
1. Members may be dismissed from the Roughwheelers IV Wheel Drive Club because of conduct detrimental to the objective of the organization. Any such charged member shall be given the opportunity to explain, defend or refute any such charge at a meeting of the Executive Committee. If no explanation, rebuttal or defense is presented, or after hearing such explanation, rebuttal or defense, the Executive Committee deems it appropriate, the matter will be referred to the general membership at it's next regular meeting. The charged member shall be notified not less than ten days in advance of said meeting and of the charges against that member. At such hearing, the person filing the charges must be present. A two-thirds vote of the total membership shall be needed to dismiss any member.
1. Proposed amendments must be published to membership prior to the next regularly scheduled general meeting.
2. Amendments shall be voted on at the end of discussion at the next general meeting following publications.
3. Amendments must be adopted by a majority of the club members present.
October 4, 1968
. Amendments Incorporated.
November 6, 1970
.. Amendments Incorporated.
March 13, 1974
.. Amendments Incorporated.
August 9, 1984
... Amendments Incorporated.
March 9, 1984
... Amendments Incorporated.
April 14, 1989
... Amendments Incorporated.
December 4, 1990
.. Amendments Incorporated.
November 5, 1999
.. Amendments Incorporated.
Completed November 2001
... Amendments Incorporated.
Completed June 16, 2003
... Amendments Incorporated.
Completed July 13, 2007 ....................................................Amendments Incorporated