Author Archives: Montego

Historical How To

I get a lot of questions about how to view the Rough Wheelers Historical Docs. These are for internal use only, members only. Here is a 45 second video showing how TRW members can connect to view & download historical club docs.  

Categories: History, Tech

Members Only Hint

The following section of our website is password protected because it is for RoughWheeler IV Drive Club members only. If you are a member you are welcome. If not, please don’t even try. We keep historical newsletters & such here. You will be asked for a password. It was formerly something that all club members […]

Categories: Uncategorized

draft – Ham radios

BaoFeng UV-5R Two-Way Radio, Dual Band UHF/VHF Ham 136-174/400-520MHz, Earphone included The UV-5R+ come in colors: Black, Blue Red, Yellow, Camo Choose any UV-5R model, I got the UV-5R+Plus. It works really well, especially considering the price is less than $40. Soft silicone case: If you want to spend more you can get […]

Categories: Uncategorized

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