Standard Operating Procedures
1. The official club emblem is: red jeep with winch, blue field, “Roughwheelers” in black script, “IV Wheel Drive” in black block print, hillside colors may be white or vari-colored. Entire emblem may be in black or white.
2. No other version of the club emblem is to be displayed by any club member, unless the word “Roughwheelers” is deleted in its entirety.
3. Official club jacket is blue nylon windbreaker. Shades of blue are optional, but should approximate “true blue”. Very light or very dark shades are not allowed. (Sky blue, turquoise, navy, etc.) Style of jacket is optional, in so far as buttons, zipper, pockets, cuffs, and hoods are concerned. There shall be no differing color trim, except that patches are allowable. Material is wholly optional, except that a light material is preferred.
4. C.B. is channel four (4). Ham Radio frequency is simplex 146.440 as specified by the Wagonmaster.
5. Trailer connector recommended is the standard 4-plug rubber connector (stock #TR-4).
Wiring guide recommended is:
- A. Ground (white)
- B. Left turn (yellow)
- C. Tail (running) lights (brown)
- D. Right Turn (green)
6. The club official nametag shall be blue with white lettering.
7. The club will pay for officer designator tags. They include:
- President
- Secretary
- Editor
- Safety
- Chairman
- El Mirage
- Liaison
- Historian
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Sergeant-at-Arms
- Wagon Master
- CA4WDA Delegate
Voting at the board meeting will be done by the Executive Committee (Board) only. Discussion is open to all present.
9. Bank Account is at Union Bank of California. Signature cards must be returned to the branch at Hawthorne & El Segundo Blvd. The outgoing and incoming President and Treasurer, have to sign off on all the bank forms.
10. Mailing list shall be maintained by the Editor and reviewed at the discretion of the board.
11. P.O. Box (if any) will be located at the Redondo Beach (90278) Post Office. The President and the Treasurer keep a key.
12. Meeting place is Redondo Rod & Gun Club located at 2023 Vanderbilt Lane Redondo Beach, CA 90278.
13. Club files are kept at the residence of the Historian.
- Ensure club mail is picked up the day of the regular club meeting.
- Assume Vice President’s duties in his absence.
- Read all association literature and present condensed version to general meeting.
- Approve annual schedule of general meetings, board meetings, and events.
- Prepare, in advance, agenda for general meeting and board meeting. Make available to Vice President, in advance, if unable to attend meeting.
- Maintain telephone tree.
- Keep the gavel and a current copy of the “By Laws and the “Standard Operating Procedures”.
- Award “Ace Driver”, “Master Mechanic”, “Back Seat Driver”: and “Phyllis Diller” trophies at each meeting.
- Start the meeting on time, at 8:00 PM.
- Try to hold meetings to two (2) hours.
- Break for fifteen (15) minutes at 9:00 PM.
- Allow time during break for dues and raffle tickets.
- Preside over all voting.
- Verify new applicants eligibility.
- Ask prospective members before the meeting if they are interested in joining the club.
- Encourage the applicant eligible for membership, not to miss the meeting, but to arrive exactly 30 minutes late.
- Conduct meetings by Robert’s Rules, more or less.
- Limit discussion to 2 minutes per person.
- Approve all guest speakers and schedule them before the break.
- Responsible for follow-up of all other action items, reports, etc.
- Allow time at meeting for verbal reports from committees, Treasurer, Wagonmaster, El Mirage Liaison, CA4WDA delegate and Historian.
- Instruct Sergeant-at-Arms to levy fines when deemed appropriate.
- Co-sign the CA4WDA Delegate credentials.
- Can sign all bank forms and checks.
- Co-sign CA4WDA membership dues forms.
- Approve all outgoing club correspondence.
- In case of emergencies, can make disbursements up to $25.00.
- Keep set of key for meeting place and “if any” Post Office Box.
- Act as program chairman and provide entertainment, if any, at meetings. Arrange and approve entertainment or collections for such events in advance. Advise President and seek approval.
- Supply coffee and refreshments at general meeting. Contact members for refreshments.
- Chairman of annual Constitution Review Committee.
- Chairman of annual S.O.P. (Standard Operating Procedures) Review Committee.
- Conduct at least one meeting per year.
- Assume jobs of those officers not present.
- Outgoing Vice President sets up new/old board dinner for January of the following year. It shall occur the Saturday following the January meeting and must be held every year.
- Maintain the Club Inventory Sheet list.
- Keep minutes of all general and board meetings.
- Supply typed board and general meeting minutes to the editor prior to the newsletter publication. Supply action items prior to the meeting.
- Maintain complete file of all club newsletters, minutes and correspondences for the year. Turn in file to master file each year.
- Issue and co-sign CA4WDA Delegate credentials.
- Maintain record of new members eligibility and notifies President two (2) weeks before the meeting.
- Act as host/hostess for the guests during the meeting.
- Maintain guest log at meetings and supply guest information to the editor.
- Maintain new member’s notebook and contents (patch, camping guide, By-Laws, roster, telephone tree and membership questionnaires.
- Maintain new member’s questionnaires.
- May obtain more notebooks or notebook supplies when needed.
- Maintain supply of all club forms.
- Mail a copy of the board meeting minutes to officers and members who attend only.
- Maintain all club fiscal records.
- Collect annual dues for CA4WDA.
- Pay annual dues to CA4WDA for Roughwheelers members in good standing.
- Maintain club bank account.
- Obtain necessary forms for CA4WDA for any fiscal matter.
- Maintain signature card from bank.
- Present a verbal report at each meeting.
- Announce delinquent dues at each meeting. Collect dues at each meeting break. Maintain all records pertaining to club dues.
- Can sign all club checks independently.
- Distribute CA4WDA membership cards and dash plaques.
- Pay post office box (if any) rent when due, before December 31 st each year.
- Allow no expenditures greater than 10 dollars ($10.00) without membership approval.
- Review club membership list and newsletter mailing list.
- Receive any fines or pool money collected.
- Make all bank deposits.
- Make all disbursements.
- Disburse postage money to editor (approval not required).
- Inform Editor and Board when any member is behind in dues more than three (3) months and again at six (6) months. The newsletter is not sent to any member who has not paid dues before the publication of the April newsletter.
- Prorate dues within the month the member joined.
- Order all badges and tags for members.
- Provide the balanced books to the incoming treasurer at the January board meeting or at the January general meeting, if no board meeting occurred.
- File S1-100 Informational California State Tax return by April 15 of each year.
- Publish and reproduce club newsletter, responsible for collecting input from members (trip report, etc.) in time to publish in newsletter.
- Mail newsletter to those on the mailing list on the Friday prior to the general meeting.
- Hand out the newsletter to guests at the meeting.
- Write bulletins, ads, etc., for the newsletter.
- Update calendar of events in the newsletter.
- Obtain postage money from the treasurer.
- Can spend up to $30.00 monthly for reproduction costs.
- Notify late dues paying members (when Treasurer says to) that current newsletter is their last one.
- Actively solicit ads, notes, and items of interest from the club members for input to the newsletter.
- Maintain current membership questionnaire.
- Maintain the standard format for the newsletter.
- Publish the standard minutes of the latest club meetings.
- Maintain mailing list at the discretion of the board.
- Mailing list:
A. Club members in good standing.
B. Guests for a period of 3 months past last meeting attending will receive an email copy.
C. In Gear magazine.
D. Off Road publications as determined by the mailing list.
E. CA4WDA Southern Area Vice President.
F. All club sponsors. - Club Roster/Phone Tree is only sent to club members.
- Maintain annual schedule of general meeting, board meetings and events.
- Update and issue membership roster, published semi-annually in February and July.
- Keep track of all members “personal events” (birthdays, weddings and other club-recognized milestones).
- Set fines during meeting for:
A. Being late.
B. No club jacket.
C. No club patch.
D. General harassment.
E. Not returning previous month’s award.
F. $5.00 fine for not bringing in scheduled refreshments. - Keep fines in a fun atmosphere.
- Fines will be $0.25 maximum for any one offense.
- Conduct all “Fund Raisers” or 50/50 pot when items are not available.
- Police camp before leaving.
- Actively solicit raffle prized.
- Maintain supply of raffle tickets.
- Buy raffle prized with money collected from previous meetings.
- Also keep records and receipts of items purchased or donated.
- Raffle prizes are optional.
- Turn over balance of money, records and receipts at January board meeting or at the January general meeting if no board meeting occurred to the new sergeant-at-Arms.
- Raffle will be at every regular meeting.
- Report monthly or quarterly report of finances to be compliant with corporate rules.
- Maintain the first aid kit to include all members’ medical information.
- Ensure safety kit gets to someone who is going on the designated run.
- Arrange for special demonstrations relating to safety when appropriate.
- Club Safety Education Chairman
- Maintain vehicle checklist.
- Recommend date and location for the vehicle check.
- Chairman in charge of scheduled inspection committee.
- In charge of Vehicle Check. Assigns duties to participating members.
- Direct all team rescue or other emergency efforts or appoints someone.
- Assign location of campfire.
- Supply next run plan to editor prior to newsletter publication.
- Appoint substitute Wagonmaster if unable to attend, normally the Vice President.
- Responsible for the entire run from point of departure until pavement at the end of the run, but give directions for return route.
- Notify all when and how long any rest stops are.
- Leave camp for run on time, normally 9:00 AM.
- Obtain and have on-hand, during the run, adequate area maps.
- Decide on campsite location.
- Assign trip report duty, preferably Saturday morning.
- Assure trail rules are followed.
- Meet and introduce self to any guests and hand out trip plan and trail rules.
- Ensure all run participants have “Hold Harmless Agreement” and “Medical Releases” signed.
- Shall have a C.B. (Channel 4), Ham Radio (146.440) or cell Phone on until bedtime and be the only one.
- Maintain and keep Wagonmaster kit updated consisting of: Trip Agenda Maps Permits, if required Trail marking materials
- Mark trail as required.
- May assign special privileges to the last months trip report writer, such as: two (2) votes at the next meeting, the best spot in camp, picking his or her place in the caravan.
- Any run change must be made to the general meeting in advance. If there are any run changes after the meeting, notifications will be made by email.
- Coordinate events on runs.
- Chairs the November Run Planning Meeting.
- Assigns Tail-End Charlie.
- Communicates run information, directions and GPS coordinates to all members and guests via email.
- This is an appointed position by the Club President.
- Maintain a single point of contact between The Roughwheelers and the BLM.
- Obtain and fill out all paperwork relating to helping the local BLM Office get paid for as much time as reasonable for volunteer work.
- Convey all upcoming planned activities to facilitate paperwork preparation, as well as ensure supply availability when needed.
- Coordination equipment availability when needed.
- Maintain and safe keep The Roughwheelers 4 Wheel Drive Club auger with box and its contents, carsonite signs and all labels.
- Represent the club at all association meetings.
- Report to the club at meetings on all association business.
- Can volunteer the club for any voluntary tasks set up by the association, within the guidelines set by the club.
- Shall be reimbursed by the club, for gas used to and from southern area association meetings that he/she attends, and can be reimbursed prior to all the association meetings, not to exceed $25.00 without prior approval.
- Club does not pay for any convention expenses without prior approval to be addressed at the December meeting each year.
- Has the right to vote for the entire club at any association meeting.
- Must have signed delegate credentials on file with CA4WDA.
- Must appoint substitute if unable to attend association meeting.
- Read all association literature and present condensed version to general meeting.
- This is an appointed position by the Club President.
- Preserve, protect, maintain and record the club history.
- Responsible for club history materials until handed off to next historian.
- Club history includes, but is not limited to; club documents, newsletters and photos.
- Keep the membership informed of past activity.
- Attend board meetings and otherwise act in the capacity of a club officer.
- Authorized to spend no more than $10.00 without club approval.
Completed July 13, 2007 Amendment Incorporated
Completed June 13, 2014 Amendments Incorporated
Copes of all medical records of members are to be kept in the safety kit.
July 11, 2014 Amendment Incorporated
All important Roughwheeler 4 Wheel Drive Club documentation will now be maintained by the Historian.
August 14, 2015 Amendment Incorporated
There must be at lease three people on a Roughwheelers 4 Wheel Drive Club run to be considered an official run, two of which are members, the Wagonmaster and Tailend Charlie and a center-wheeler.
December 11, 2015 Amendment Incorporated
An “Attendance Raffle” is instituted with a one-year Sunset Clause to begin January of each year. All paid members will be eligible for the $10.00 per month “Attendance Raffle” to be conducted by the Sergeant-at-Arms prior to each month’s prize raffle. If a member is not present, the amount of the “Attendance Raffle” will increase by $10.00 until a members name is drawn that is present. Then the raffle will restart at $10.00.
December 11, 2015 Amendment Incorporated
Any member volunteering for refreshments and not fulfilling that duty will be fined $5.00 for forgetting their responsibility of bringing a refreshment to the monthly meeting.
Completed July 13, 2016 Amendments Incorporated
SOP’s Completed December 31, 2017 Amendments Incorporated
(this current as of October 1, 2018, but see Historical Documents section of website for definitive version)