Roughwheelers Turkey Run 1995

Saturday :We (Iceman & Chickenhawk) arrived around 9:00 a.m. and were the first ones to camp. The weather was beautiful, about 85'-90' all day. We also had first look at how trashed Barbecue Flats really was. The fire pit was overflowing with glass and metal. But the first thing I noticed was the top of the barbecue was ripped off. It wasn't long before the rest of the Roughwheelers started coming into camp (Snoopy & Gadgetman). So we set up camp and had a nice night at the campfire.
Sunday : Another beautiful day in paradise. Not much happened except my dad and I went jeep'n for a while and everyone pretty much relaxed all day. Fearless joined us about an hour & a half before sunset. Just in time to set up a great horse shoe range.
Monday & Tuesday : A few stragglers came into camp and the weather was just perfect with no change in sight.
Wednesday : Well, as usual this is the day the wash is very busy with incoming Roughwheelers. We also put off the repair of the B.B.Q. too long. We never did get around to welding the hinges on because neither Hector or Bob had the power to do it, so we put our nuts and bolts together and, 'well you can imagine the rest.'
Thursday : After having a home-cooked breakfast, it was time to have some fun. While more than half the camp was up at the shooting range, Kingfisher, Joe, Iceman, and I went on a pretty good jeep run less than 1/4 mile from camp. Turkey dinner was as excellent as ever thanks to Toni and company. Thank you!!!
Friday : I could not believe we actually left for our run on time at 9:00. After a few highway miles we ended up airing down at the Mudhills. With a 35 thousand dollar jeep Cadillac, J.J. decided to break it in. Lets just say he made the first hill in style, but needed a car wash. Oh, by the way the Tatermobile left four huge craters in the ground that everyone had to drive around. At lunch we must have stopped in the main wash to get to the mud hills because about 30 bikes and buggies were running over our food. For half time entertainment Joe showed us the old Gorman trick, "Gormans is a lot whiter Joe." People say I have pretty good ground clearance, I think that is just an excuse for not going where I do Dad. After Joe decided to get high centered we went to the real mud hills. Its amazing how many times we go here to see 2 small puddles of mud bubbles. The excitement of the day was when Snoopy tried to follow a bike trail up and down a bream. Well he went up, but lets just say he had to land coming back down.
Saturday : The ruff run, the man run, the run Steve drove because, Carol let him drive. We headed over to Palm Wash and found some pretty challenging hills. Iceman wanted nachos, Fearless found him a good one that he had to get winched out of. After some ridge running and some "oh my God" left turn hills, Fearless found one hill that Fidget decided to go too far left on, so I pulled her up. I figure that this was a part of a brilliant plan Fidget thought out. See, when Bob was in the right spot Fidget put the pedal to the metal. Spectators say all you could see was just one hand swimming through all that dirt. After the dust cleared and after Fidget tore up the trail, Footloose had to get pulled up the same hill, by me. I guess you could say that strap Hector gave me served its purpose. Back at the camp fire Keith and I made what was probably the largest fire and poker stick in club history. We were especially toasty burning the sofa. After watching the intoxicated Roughwheelers tell ketchup jokes, it was time to say good night and leave first thing in the morning.

